CA$H Greater Portland Hosts Successful ASL Tax Day
Written by New Ventures Maine | Published on March 24, 2017
Volunteers from DRME Deaf Services, USM, and CA$H GP
CA$H Greater Portland hosted their 9th annual American Sign Language (ASL) Tax Day on Saturday, February 25th. On ASL Tax Day CA$H Greater Portland, Disability Rights Maine (DRME) – Deaf Services, and University of Southern Maine (USM) volunteers assisted 37 filers, 36 of whom were able to complete their taxes. Some of the filers also met with volunteers to learn more about matched savings programs, free classes, and other community services.
Trained Interpreters Make Communication Stress Free
AJ came to the site for the first time last year, and returned again this year. “With ASL tax day all the information was presented in my native language! I finally felt like I was where I needed to be. I could ask all the questions I wanted!” she said.
For more information please visit our friends at: DRME – Deaf Services
Using conservative estimates state and federal income taxes with refunds totaling roughly $86,400 were filed. In addition to that we estimate upwards of $7,560 of saved filing fees.
“It was a great day, and I’m confident that it will continue to expand in years to come.” Tess Armstrong, Internal Revenue Service, Stakeholder Relationship Tax Consultant (SPEC).
Thank you to everyone who helped make this day possible!