Stepping into a New Stage of Life
Written by New Ventures Maine | Published on April 25, 2016
The last few weeks of classes are approaching, soon it will be finals week, and then on to graduation. Student in both high school and college will be stepping into a new stage in their lives.
For some, this means starting at a new school in the fall, and working toward earning a degree. For others, this will mean entering the workforce. This may be a first job, or a first full time job. Either way, it may be a whole new experience.
Starting out by yourself may also mean that you have new responsibilities, such as being responsible for your own finances.This can seem confusing and challenging at first.
There are several decisions to make once you are hired at a new job, especially if you are offered benefits. One of the first steps when starting a new job is filling out paperwork for your employer.
Your employer may offer some assistance with navigating these new options. If they don’t, or you are looking for some additional help, check out this article to learn more. You will see some suggestions that can guide you in making the most out of the benefits you are offered.
If this is your first experience managing your own money, this is a great time to set up a budget! First track your spending to see where you are starting. It can be a very exciting experience to be on your own for the first time with your own money to spend.
It may take time to learn how to making wise decisions and to realize how important saving for the future now will help you down the road. Get a head start by using our Money Guide to get tips about how to get started. You may also want to consider taking a tuition free money management class to help you start down the right path. Getting started with trustworthy information and a plan for the future are great steps for a building good financial habits and behaviors