CA$H Asset Organizer Pays It Forward
Written by New Ventures Maine | Published on March 14, 2016
Thanks to New Ventures Maine’s (NVME) Financing Your Future class and the Family Development Account (FDA) matched savings program, Gail was able to go back to college part-time while working full-time and graduate debt-free. Gail graduated debt-free in 2010 with her Associate Degree. She then went to work in the office at Lane Construction. She is currently working toward a Bachelor degree in business at Husson.
Gail is a prime example of how to “pay it forward.” She took what she learned, and has used it to benefit others. She is currently working at the Aroostook County CA$H site as an Asset Organizer. Gail provides tax filers with one-on-one asset coaching based on their needs. This may be referring them to classes such as the one she took through NVME, matched savings accounts like FDA’s or other local resources.
Note: Financing your Future can now be found under the title My Money Works in the class schedule.