Super Refund Saturday: A Tremendous Success
Written by New Ventures Maine | Published on February 18, 2016
Area resident Laura Merrill has her taxes prepared by IRS-Certified volunteer Monica Lee on Super Refund Saturday.
Super Refund Saturday & Financial Resource Fair Huge Success!
LEWISTON: Super Refund Saturday, as hosted by the Lewiston-Auburn CA$H Coalition, was a tremendous success once again on February 13, 2016. A room full of IRS-certified tax preparers were hard at work at the Lewiston Armory preparing/e-filing Federal and State tax returns—free of charge—and assisted 219 individuals.
Since 2004, LA CA$H has facilitated over $26 million in refund claim requests by area residents.
A financial resource fair was also on site with a focus on “savings.” In addition, several residents won $25 gift cards, shared their savings aspirations, and/or had their credit report “pulled” and reviewed for free. Representatives on hand were from College for ME Androscoggin, Finance Authority of Maine, New Ventures Maine, Lewiston Vet Center, Key Bank, Center for Wisdom’s Women, Community Credit Union, Community Concepts, City of Auburn & Lewiston Housing Programs, United Way of Androscoggin County, and Western Maine CAP Healthcare Navigator.
Free tax preparation will continue through April 1st, and individuals with household budgets of $54,000 or less may call for an appointment at 513-3160. No walk-ins due to volume served.
Dottie Perham-Whittier
Community Relations Coordinator
City of Lewiston, Maine
(207) 513-3000, X3205
(207) 513-3007 (TTY/TDD)
(207) 795-5069 (FAX)