Western Maine Kickoff
Written by New Ventures Maine | Published on January 29, 2016
From left to right: Lisa Laflin, Western Maine CA$H Co-Coordinator, Deborah Weaver, Maine Local Taxpayer Advocate, Tess Armstrong, Senior Tax Consultant IRS , Divin Gatera, Volunteer Tax Preparer, Janet Smith, Western Maine CA$H Co-Coordinator, Dennis O’Neil, Volunteer Tax Preparer, Amy Scholl, AmeriCorps VISTA, Lisa Lemieux, Western Maine CA$H Asset Organizer, Bobbie Wheeler, Western CA$H Site Coordinator.
Western Maine CA$H kicked off the beginning of tax season with a celebration of EITC Awareness Day at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington. The celebration provided information about the tax preparation and resources for tax filers to save a portion of their refund offered at the University of Maine at Farmington as well as other tax related information.
The Western Maine CA$H program can help you make the most of your money. We offer:
- Free tax preparation to those with household income at or below $54,000 for tax year 2015.
- Free community resource information.
- Free information about how to make the most of your refund.
Tax preparation appointments are available now through March 26. Please call 778-7954 to schedule an appointment.