Looking for a way to make the most of your money? Stop paying to get your taxes prepared, and find out about tax credits that you didn’t know you qualified for.
CA$H Maine is a statewide collaboration of ten coalitions, comprised of 50 non- and for-profit partners, working together to help empower Maine individuals and families to achieve long-term financial stability.
The 2025 tax season has begun. This year, there are a number of refundable tax credits that can actually put money in your pocket. Here is a list of credits with links for more information. If you’re getting help with tax preparation, ask your preparer about eligibility. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) The Earned Income… Read more
CA$H Maine had 909 returns qualify for the EITC in 2023, bringing in $1,489,725 in EITC refunds to the state. Maine workers may get a larger tax refund this year because of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). But to get it, you must file a tax return and claim it. Friday, January 31, 2025,… Read more